What Makes Campus Cooks Unique? Part 3: Transparency

by | Feb 28, 2020

Through feedback from our clients and employees, we have compiled our three “uniques” or differentiators that make Campus Cooks the highest-rated company in the industry.

We give Control.

We provide Support.

We offer Transparency.

Click here to check out the other two parts in our series, all about how give control and provide support. Today we are going to be focusing how we offer transparency to our clients and employees.

How do we offer Transparency to our clients?

In general terms, transparency is the quality of being easily seen through. We want our clients to be able to know exactly what is going on in their kitchen and our daily operations. Open and honest communication is our forte, and we ensure we practice it in a multitude of ways. 

 1. Meal Ratings and Satisfaction Surveys

Without good food and service, who would Campus Cooks be?! We want to make certain every chapter member has a voice and are happy. Members can provide constant feedback on any part of their meal or service through our mobile app. If they voice concerns at any time through this medium, the chef and Operations Team can make adjustments accordingly.

 We are constantly evolving to become the strongest company we can possibly be. To help do so, we send out surveys throughout the school year to gauge satisfaction and hear suggestions for improvement. Surveys are sent out 10 days and 45 days into the semester to students to get an honest opinion on how they feel about Campus Cooks and their particular house’s service. In addition, we send out an end-of-semester survey to students and chapter leadership such as house corps to hear about their experience with Campus Cooks and our brand as a whole.

2. Performance Reporting

Just because our company has a large reach doesn’t mean we skimp on the small stuff. In fact, we ensure accountability on every level. Processes and procedures are reported through a variety of methods, including Monthly Reports, Action Plans, Time & Temperature Logs and Closing Checklists, among others. These reports not only certify accountability, but also bring a peace-of-mind to our clients.

Here are a few reports that we complete daily: 

The Time/Temperature Log is a form that chefs use daily to ensure that the chapter’s food is served in a safe temperature range. They are kept on file and can be reviewed at any time.

7 Keys™ Daily Checklist guarantees that every account is clean, safe and operating the way a professional kitchen should. It encompasses everything from inventory to communication and professionalism. These are also is also kept on file and can be reviewed at any time.

3. No Hidden Costs or Add-ons

We love surprises, but not these kind (more like the surprise-batch-of-cookies-type-of-surprise).

We are upfront on all pricing and offerings from the beginning so that no account is hit with hidden fees or additional costs. It’s that simple.

What does Transparency Mean for our Clients?

  • No Stress

This allows chapter presidents and leaders to focus on the issues within their chapter that actually matter.

  • Stronger Sense of Brotherhood/Sisterhood

A lot of life’s greatest moments happen around a table. Campus Cooks brings chapter members to the table. Meals start to become a focus and allow sisters and brothers to come together every day through good food.

  • Growth of Your Chapter

A stronger brotherhood/sisterhood means a bigger chapter. This is a ripple effect that we strive to create at every single chapter we serve.